

Welcome to The Classics Pages

You'll find well over 1000 pages of news, information, games and controversy about the life, literature, philosophy, art and archaeology of the ancient world of Greece & Rome. Celebrating 20 years online!


The Classics Pages (including "The Romans" and "The Persians" - below) has a dedicated search engine, accessible from any page. Search now.


The Classics Pages welcomes your emails - whether you want to comment, query or argue. Email now.


There's a new bookshop, affiliated to Amazon, where you can order any Classics book - or in fact anything from the Amazon store. Visit the bookshop

The Romans

"The Romans" is an extensive introduction to everything Roman - not simply Rome's history and culture, but also timelines, quizzes, picture galleries - based on the best-selling book by Antony Kamm. A Second Edition of the book with masses of new material was published in 2008 - the web site was also updated along with it. The latest revision was made in 2009. Visit The Romans now.

The Persians

"The Persians" is a portal to an extensive new site devoted to the history and culture of Iran from 5000 BC up until the Arab conquest in AD 651. Visit The Persians.

Harry Potter

My translation of Harry Potter and the Philsosopher's Stone was published by Bloomsbury in 2004. A revised edition came out in 2010. All about Greek Harry Potter here.

The Oracle of Loxias

This has been a feature of the site since it first went live in 1994. It's my pleasure to answer any questions you may have about any aspect of the ancient world. A reply is guaranteed- although I don't guarantee I'll know every answer to every question! Consult the oracle now.


Any page can be printed out in a printer-friendly version, with just the text and pictures. In some browsers urls will print in full.

Web design & hosting

Because I still (despite all evidence) believe that the world wide web should be a resource to facilitate the free exchange of information, I am offering to design a website and host it for any small classical organisation that needs it - free! Click here to find out more

Currently online:

Athens of the North: news of a production of Euripides' Helen in November 2013, and the next production: Euripides' Iphigeneia in te Black Sea (Iphigeneia in Tauris) in Edinburgh, Scotland scheduled for 2015.


Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

Today is Monday, the 6th of January, 2025